Your Referrals Save Lives!
David Woodson
Wednesday, July 21, 2021
Did you know that when you send us a referral you're helping Rady Children's Hospital in San Diego??
WE'RE ON A MISSION to raise $10,000 for Rady Children’s Hospital! We do this by donating to them a portion of our income from homes we sell.
As you know Rady Children’s Hospital of San Diego does great work in helping kids fight through and survive nasty diseases like cancer, Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, leukemia and others.
Kids under their care are 300% more likely to enter into remission If they can get into the recovery center. BUT the Recovery Center survives on Sponsorships and Donations. So, YOUR REFERRALS REALLY DO HELP THE KIDS…
Please refer any friends or family to us at the link below.